Do not be discouraged if things aren't going well in your life. It will change. You have to want it. When you truly want things to be different you will make a change. So, if you are reading this and this is you only you can change it and read these simple words. I was once you, lost, hopeless, depressed and angry. Now, here I am.
It is simple to have understanding. That is when you have shed those layers and become spiritually enlightened by the very nature of God within our very being of living. When we can breathe God, we live close to his heart. I see it this way, I once walked in darkness. It was chaos. This is the nature of humans. We are really born human and then we shed the being and become spirit. We walk this earth in these vessels. When I came to the light, The Voice...that spoke to me and said to "give me your heart" I responded because I was given Grace. I leaped. I never looked back.
No matter where my journey has taken me this far in life through different states of living which is both physically and mentally, I followed. I obeyed. I kept my faith. NO matter when it seemed bleak. I held tight. Here I am able to share the goodness that came to me. It is simple but first you must follow. In the following does the falling in love happens. You see, through death I rose, in this realm and have been awake to the rebirth of my life. I am constantly evolving. We must break so that we can be put together through the Artist of Life....
2023.22.09 MJFONELOVE
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