Friday, February 4, 2022


                Live on what solely motivates you                 Every day is a NEW day...Arise 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

We need the darkness in our lives.

We need the darkness in our lives.

We are born into darkness until we find the light.
And, no it doesn't mean that you do bad things. People associate bad with darkness. It's just a place within us all. When you are shone the light, everything changes within you. You see the world in a different way. Hence the words:
“I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind, but now I see."
My freedom came to me in January of 2000. I used to walk literally in the darkness to work 5 miles away 5 days a week sometimes 6 or 7 days. I used to not want to live. I was very depressed, but, I made it to work all those years. I smiled through it all not one person knew my pain. I carried it. Until the night that Ms. Kimmie showed and a light shone down upon her. I was curious at to what I was seeing so I walked over to her station. I did not say but. "Who are you?" and she said to me as she smiled "He is listening to you?"
Mesmerized at what she said, I walked over to my station. My spirit knew the spirit she spoke I connected within me I felt a glorious feeling of grandeur and my life has not been the same since....meaning I LIVE.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Warrior Of Love

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Sharing something deep to a heart that feels what I'm saying is a joy for me. My moments of heartbreak to the incredulous healing of being shattered. I heard, no, no...I literally felt my heart break into pieces. I cried out to the Unseen to take this pain away. I remember waking up from a deep sleep hours later to a Voice that was beckoning me "Daughter"..."Daughter"...the third "Daughter" I came to. The Voice said to me trust the Unseen. Walk in love. I was healed. The excruciating pain I could not bare was gone. This journey has been a quest, not an easy one. I followed. I obeyed. I trusted, Through it all, I remain faithful to the Unseen...

I live with the love that now fills me.


Tuesday, January 11, 2022



Here I am. Yep. Here I am.

It just seemed like yesterday.

Now, here we are today.

Here We are. Here We are.  

Do you remember yesterday?

It is the past. Today, we are. 

In sync. We are One. 

We are One. A whole being.

In one. Now, we live. 




Letting Go Of Ego